Yoga Day
On Tuesday 6th December, St Mary's school experienced a day of yoga. First we learnt 'stick' where you stand up tall with your feet together and arms by your side. Then we did 'Sun sequence' (which was stick, hands, reach for the sun, elephant, proud horse, dog, snake and back again). We played 'rainstick' where we all laid down and the yoga teacher would tip the rainstick and make a rain sound then he would hand the rainstick over and then we had a go. We had a go at ladybird relaxation at the end when we laid down and our teacher would dangle a ladybird puppet so that it landed on a thumb, a knee, a shoulder and a nose. Two pupils remarked: ‘I liked the rainstick the most because it was relaxing’, Annabelle and Molly, Year 5. Thank you to Mrs McInnes who organised this really worthwhile experience for our lovely pupils. Please have a look at the Class Updates (for 9th December) for lots more of the Yoga photos from your child/ren’s class.