click here for Headline Performance Data and Ofsted and SIAMS Reports
Our children consistently achieve high levels of attainment. Our termly assessments of pupils’ progress are discussed by the class teacher and senior leadership team through Pupil Progress Meetings. Parents and carers receive feedback about the progress that their children are making through Consultation evenings, as well as end-of-year reports. Our careful tracking of pupils’ progress helps us to understand when pupils might benefit from additional help, and also helps the school understand the impact of teaching and learning.
Further information can be found on the Gov.UK website: school and college performance tables service
Due to the COVID pandemic and the subsequent national lockdown, no primary school in England was able to complete the end of year Statutory Assessment Tests (SATs) for the academic years 2019 to 2020 and 2020 to 2021.
However, our internal tracking data shows that pupils at St Mary's continue to make excellent progress against their starting points.