Our Curriculum & Year group guidance
Our Curriculum Approach
All aspects of our curriculum are accessible to all children, irrespective of their ethnic background, gender, disability, religious or linguistic background. We strive hard to meet the needs of those pupils with special educational needs, those with disabilities, those who are more able, those with special gifts and talents and the children who are learning English as an additional language. We provide a rich, challenging curriculum, which stretches all of our children. Staff are aware of children who have exceptional talents and gifts and monitor or track their progress carefully to ensure their academic potential or talent is continually developed. For further details see separate policies: Inclusion, More Able, Gifted and Talented.
There are a number of Curriculum policies in our Policies section, which include our Curriculum policy, Assessment & Marking Policy, Mathematics Policy, Homework Policy, Calculation Policies (for Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2).
Please follow this link to read these documents:
For more information about what your child is learning, please speak with their class teacher.