School Dinner/Healthy Snacks
The FSM/Pupil Premium grant is a sum of money (currently £1,345 per pupil per year) awarded to schools from the government to help them support disadvantaged pupils. Once a child becomes eligible the school automatically receives the pupil premium grant for 6 years – to us that could mean up to £9000 over the time your child will be with us. We use the pupil premium grant to support the learning needs of our pupils and full details of how we use it each year are on our website.
In previous years we have employed a learning mentor, additional teachers to work with small groups and individuals and helped fund trips and resources. The impact of this additional money can be seen in the progress of all pupils, regardless of their life experience. If your child becomes eligible for free school meals (FSM) they will automatically become eligible for the pupil premium. However, some children have packed lunches and Reception/Key Stage 1 pupils receive a universal free school meal (UFSM) so we don’t always know if we are receiving the money for all the children that are entitled to do so.
Your child may be eligible for Free School Meals/Pupil Premium if you receive one of the following benefits:
- Income Support
- Income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance
- Child Tax Credit (not Working Tax Credit), with an annual income of below £16,190
- Pension Guarantee Credit
- Employment and Support Allowance, income related
- Support under part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act, 1999
- Working Tax Credit run-on - paid for 4 weeks after you stop qualifying for Working Tax Credit
- Universal Credit
If you would like to find out if your child is eligible to receive Free School Meals please apply directly via Essex County Council - or contact the school office.
School Dinners are currently being provided by an outside catering company Dolce. Below is some important information regarding ordering a school dinner for your child/ren:
- Parents/Carers must pre-order a school meal via the School Grid. Children in Reception, Year 1, Year 2 and KS2 Free School Meal children will not be charged. KS2 children who have a paid meal will be charged £2.55/meal.
- Orders close at 08.55 of the morning the lunch is required, no orders can be placed after this time. No orders will be taken in class or by the school office.
- Once the system closes for the day, changes to orders cannot be made. Please talk to your child/ren to make sure they are aware what has been chosen for their lunch each day.
- Dolce will not be running a credit system and School Grid accounts will need to be kept in credit at all times. The school cannot take payments on their behalf.
- If you don’t have a log for School Grid please speak to the School Office..
- If your child has a medically confirmed allergy, Dolce will need a copy of medical evidence from a GP or consultant.
If you have any questions regarding your child/ren account etc, please call the Dolce Customer Care Team.
Dolce Customer Care Team
Telephone: 01942 707 709 (Opt. 1) Monday - Friday (8.00am - 5.00pm)
Spring Term 2025
Spring 2025 Menu
World Book Day Menu - 6th March
Dolce Allergen Policy
Dolce Unpaid Meal Policy
Dolce Letter to Parents
Dolce Parent Information Leaflet
Dolce Customer Care Team on 01942 707 709 (Opt. 1) or email (8.00am – 5.00pm Monday to Friday).
Children in Reception and Key Stage 1 have a free piece of fruit or vegetable each day which they can eat at morning play time. Children in older classes are permitted to bring in healthy snacks such as fruit or a cereal bar but must NOT contain nuts or any traces of nuts. Children are encouraged to bring a clear plastic bottle of water to school. These should be named and kept in the classroom. Reception children have cups provided in class. There are water fountains accessible at break times.