Special Educational Needs (SEN)
Our SENDCo is Mrs Emma North, our SEND Governor is Gilly Hayes, if you need to contact them please telephone the school office on 01799 523384 or email on info@st-maryscofe.essex.sch.uk
What are special educational needs?
Your child may have special educational needs if they need more help to learn than other children of the same age. They may also have difficulties with one or more of the following:
- Paying attention and listening
- Playing with others and being sociable
- Understanding and reading
- Talking and writing
- Controlling their behaviour
- Sensory or physical needs which may affect them in school
As of September 2014 the government require schools to produce a local offer as to what they provide in school. We have consulted with our parents and school governors on this and our school local offer information is found in the SEND information report
There are a number of SEND policies in our policies section including the SEND Information Report, Accessibility Plan, Pupil's with Additional Health Needs Policy.