Year 6 Whodunnit Day!
On Thursday 17th December we had a crime scene investigation morning. Unfortunately, when the children arrived in school, someone had trashed the classroom leaving 8 specific clues for the children to solve. All the staff were suspects and the newly appointed detectives/officers had to use their enquired skills to solve 8 tasks. These were: fingerprinting, comparing shoe sizes to a print left by the criminal, identifying which pen was used to leave a note, identifying the staffs' favourite chocolates to match to a discovered wrapper, identifying what time staff members arrived at school and linking it to the time recorded at the crime scene, finding out the height of each staff member and matching it to the discovered hand mark, identifying phone numbers and comparing them to number imprints left at the scene and lastly, identifying suspicious material found at the scene. The children took on their roles amazingly well and after much investigation and interrogation discovered the culprit!