Year 3 Egyptian Day
Today in Year 3, we had a fantastic Ancient Egyptian day. The children came in amazing costumes and fully immersed themselves in the day. To start, the children learnt some of the history of Ancient Egypt and the importance of the River Nile. Once the children had completed this, they then completed a quiz involving lots of important parts of Ancient Egypt. The children came up with some fantastic answers and I was amazed with their knowledge of this civilization.
The next part of the day involved looking at lots of incredible artefacts from Ancient Egypt. The children looked at pots, real life mummification linen and arrow heads all from this time period. We then studied different pictures and learning more about the Egyptian way of life.
Finally, the children played a game called Hounds and Jackals. They learned the rules and played exactly like how they would have all of those years ago! The children enjoyed the competitive aspect of the game and took the rules very seriously!