Sports Day June 2022
Sports Day at St Mary’s took place on Wednesday 6th July. Each colour group participated in a fun warm-up led by Mrs Shackleton, one of our Year 5 teachers. After the warm-up, everyone was split into their colour groups and sat under their decorated gazebo. Every two races, Mr Jarmain gave us a score update; points were given to children who came 1st, 2nd and 3rd and certificates for our six school values of compassion, friendship, perseverance, respect, trust and truthfulness would be presented to children in Key Stage 1 (at the end of the event) and Key Stage 2 (during the next day of school due to finishing late). Lily B (helped by her mum) raised money for the PTA by doing face-painting on a table on the meadow and raised £38.43 for the school! Uniform was sold with donations welcomed. The PTA made bacon butties (with additional choices) and sold teas and coffees too; they also kindly donated ice-lollies for every pupil at the end of the day. The PTA managed to raise an amazing £360 for the school – wow!
At the start of the day, KS1 participated in eight races which included: the space hopper race, egg and spoon race, balance race, skipping race, obstacle race, sack race, flat race and finally the relay race. This was followed by a toddler/preschool children's race and a few parent’s and carer’s races. Finally, KS1 received the results. In fourth place was the yellow team with 180 points, in third place was the red team with 197 points, second place came the blue team with 198 points, and in first place was the green team with 287 points.
After a lovely picnic lunch in the sun, where parents/carers and friends of the school were invited to sit and eat with their children, KS2 participated in races such as the egg and spoon, space hopper, balance, skipping, relay, slow bike, obstacle, flat and sack race (which was only for the Year 6 pupils).
The KS2 final scores were: in last place was green group with 293 points, next was blue group with 332 points, then came yellow group with 387 points and in first place was red group with a total of 396 points.
Congratulations to everyone who participated, even if you didn’t win we are still proud of you!
Written by the Year 6 Sports Ambassadors.