Mersea Island June 2024 - Day 3
After a cold night, where apparently the children had to act a bit like penguins to keep warm, the children emerged actually quite rested as the rain prevented them staying up late or wanting to venture out - every cloud I guess (for the staff members at least)!
We said hello to the new Year 6 class teaching assistant, Mrs Flack, who came in straight away and had a go at the high ropes! The children had a great time trying to traverse a long rope after climbing a ladder, and again, everyone pushed themselves to go higher and further than they had before.
More fun was also had at the beach, where the other groups found a jellyfish, a buried Lily and a deceased clarkius crustaceus! The children had some time learning to skim some rocks and doing some shell hunting too before the tide forced our retreat.
The class really enjoyed archery, where Mss Driscoll’s lessons and clubs showed dividends - the instructors said we got some of the highest scores they’d seen!
Our teamwork skills were also put to the test in an obstacle course! The children were thankful for all those HIIT sessions in the end, as lots of the challenges needed strong legs and upper body strength. It was great to see their communication skills improve over the course and how well the children helped each other.
We even had an activity after dinner today! The children got together for a gladiator-style game in It’s a Knockout! They bake against each other at lots of different events to try and be the champions.
There are lots of tired faces right now - it’s a slow-moving class who are off to do their teeth and shower before bed. Hopefully that’s the sign for an early night!